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Connection Specialists

  We love to focus on connection to yourself as being of equal importance to connection with your horse. You can't have the latter without the former! We take a strong focus on this and we know you and your horse will love the results.

You have found what you have been looking for!

Does reading these words fill you with hope and a tingle of excitement? Are you one of the growing tribe of people who acknowledge that any positive changes need to come from us first, not our horses? Have you been searching for a way of developing yourself that never seemed a good fit for you?  Do you also feel that crafted support to gently but clearly guide you through these changes is a little thin on the ground? Well that's what we thought too, so we decided to do something about it.

Difficulties between people and horses are commonplace. In fact they are so commonplace, they have almost become the accepted norm. We also know that there are a tenacious tribe of women (mostly!) who reject this position. We have our eyes on a loftier aspiration with our beloved horses. One of connection, ease, calmness, enjoyment, deep communication and understanding. Our horses happiness is as important as our own. We refuse to sacrifice our horses wellbeing under the weight of our own ambitions. We are growing in number and it is our heartfelt desire to support you on this journey. 

Our aim is to provide good quality, affordable and accessible learning resources, no matter where you are in the world and no matter what your horse situation. No arena? No problem! Let's focus what IS available to you, rather than what isn't.  We are there for you. Encouraging you to discover and delve deeper into your unique gifts with horses. What else would you rather be doing with your one wild and precious life?

Lightness and connection as the 'norm'

Sam Bolam

I am so glad that you made your way to our page. As a horse obsessed woman from the moment I appeared on the planet, I get what your heart is looking for. It sounds so cliché but I have heard it time and time again while I am with students. You want connection! Yet the reality of finding this with your horse has proved to be elusive. Whether it feels tantalising close, or a million light years away, we are here to support you in a way that you might find surprising. We extend an invitation to you to take a path less travelled and discover what awaits for you...

For more information about me go to www.flowhorsemanship.com
Write your awesome label here.

Dr Julie Luscombe

There are two souls involved in the relationship between you and your horse and we believe spending time working on yourself alongside the work you do with your horse will support you both to be the best you can be together.
This might mean choosing courage over comfort, letting go of some limiting beliefs and giving yourself permission to focus on YOU. 
You are the expert in your life but that in this complex and uncertain world sometimes we all need support to release our inner resources to see our path a bit more clearly and maybe get out of your own way. So join us to reflect, dream, explore and discover...
For more information about Julie please go to www.peoplelikemecoaching.com
Write your awesome label here.

Ways we would love to work with you:

  • By unlocking your horse genius through a combination of approaches including coaching and mindfulness
  • Through understanding your unique personality, challenges and aspirations
  • By giving you time to reflect on underlying dynamics in your life that may not have occurred to you as impacting your horse relationship/s
  • By honouring your sensitivity and desire to do right by your horse
  • By combining distance learning with an annual schedule of 'in person' events for those who prefer a blended approach
  • Enabling you to navigate those learning blind spots and plateau's that reduces frustration and anxiety

Our approach

Building a unique path towards the horse relationship of your dreams

1. Clear out your vision towards life

Have a clear idea of where you want to be both in the near and distant future. You need to identify the deep sources of your happiness and clearly distinguish the means from the goals. This is why you need to develop a very strong self awareness.

2. Outline your areas of improvement

After identifying your essential goals, you need to understand which traits of yourself keep you away from achieving them. Once you do that, it will be far easier for you to form your self-development plan, focusing on improving the things that matter to you and your horse.

3. Review and adapt with resilience

Self-development is not a static thing, but a dynamic process. Life is changing and you will also see huge changes in yourself through your self-development process. So, you need to constantly readjust your plan to be in alignment with the given conditions.

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