Discovering Horse Abundance

Welcome to the wonderful world of Horse Abundance.

Discovering Horse Abundance will reveal to you how to embody powerful energy to create horse artistry. In this course, we offer powerful self-coaching approaches grounded in neuro-science that enable you to quickly observe patterns that hold you back in your interactions with horses. In developing new skills, you will start to take decisive action from a place of clarity and shape a beautiful relationship with both yourself and your horse. You will develop the habit of investing energy in your brilliance and walk away from rehearsing your problems. 

Why 'Horse Abundance'? 

Horses have so much to offer us if we can simply get out of our own way. When horses feel seen and heard, they are overflowing with generosity and willingness. Horses join us effortlessly when we are in a state of calm, dependable authenticity.

What difference will the course make?

 Horse Abundance offers a different focus to the vast majority of horse courses. We have chosen to make this course about YOU for a reason. Our horses change when we change. The changes you can expect to see are:

- A stronger connection to self, resulting in increased mental clarity, focus and empathy with your horse

- Removal of self-limiting beliefs

- Increased motivation and energy

- Understanding the basis of subtle communication with your horse

- Increased confidence as a learner

- Your horses increased confidence in you

So what are you waiting for?!

Our courses in your words

#is totally unique | #rebuilt my relationship with horses | #changed my world  | #built my confidence | 

Mandy Baird

"This course has given me more practical help and understanding to move forward from this awful complex PTSD than my actual counselling has. I have been stuck in survival mode consistently for the past 4 years. I finally feel I have the practical tools to move forward with my horse thanks to Sam and Julie!"

Lucy Lloyd

"This course has really allowed me to reflect inwards and given me the means to work through the personal issues in my life that were inadvertently affecting the relationship between me and my horse. Since putting these tools into practice, our connection has improved massively and it feels like we're finally understanding each other!"

Stevie Wild

"I found the course inspiring and easy to follow. It creates a deep connection to both yourself and your horse. I have seen a tremendous difference in my own approach both towards horses and towards myself. It's a real way to heal both horse and human! It's hard to write just how amazing this course is, in just a few words. I've been struggling to get things done with my horse and everything seemed to be a battle, or one or the other of us were unhappy in our interactions. After doing this course I can honestly say, by slowing things down and taking things one small steps at a time, it  has really increased the bond between me and all the horses I interact with."

Debbie Furnival

"Just thought I'd share some thoughts with you. I love the visualisation session and the PDF notes to ourselves. The most inspiring words I found I can say to myself are I CAN!  Two words I found quite surprising as I'd never realised they were in there. I've been applying these sessions to my motorbiking as well as horses."

What's included?

  • 9 videos
  • 6 PDFs
  • 1 audio file
  • 1 Action Planning Tool
  • Access to private Flow Horsemanship student group

Build Your Unique Skills

No one can do you, quite like you! We believe that everyone has talents, skills and life experience that they bring to the table. Our courses are about bringing out the best in you and supporting you in realising just how much value you bring to the horses (and humans!) you have in your life.

Horse Centric Learning

We completely get it! We get how important your horses are to you! You want what you do with your horses to feel as good to them as it does to you. That is why we always have your horses wellbeing at the front of our mind when we design our courses. We always want you to be seeing the world through their eyes.

Our Team

#is invested in your development| #is awesome | #wants you to thrive | #celebrates your success | #cant wait to meet you!

I am so looking forward to hearing how these courses change you and your horses lives for the better. Here's to letting your light shine even more brightly!
sam bolam llb msC
Change begins with us - trusting ourselves to step outside our comfort zones in the same way you are hoping to lead your horse to do exactly the same. I'm looking forward to leading you in an exploration of yourself - so that you can both enjoy the benefits.
Dr julie luscombe PHD MSc
To Axel, Temple, Timo and all of the amazing horses we have met and are yet to meet. Thank you for all of the life lessons you have so generously imparted. Your noble souls have deeply informed these courses.
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